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Holiday Bird Care Tips

November 15 2021

The holidays are almost upon us! There’s often a spike in pet injuries and accidents at this time of year. Birds are very small and fragile, and can get injured very easily. You’ll need to take a few precautions to keep your feathered pal healthy, safe, and merrily chirping (or singing) away over the next few months. A Langford, BC vet offers some holiday bird care advice below.


Food is always a big pet safety concern around the holidays. Never give your winged pal anything that contains chocolate, avocado, garlic, onions, fruits with pips or seeds, caffeine, salt, sugar, or fat. The fumes from the kitchen can also be dangerous. Many types of cookware give off vapors that are safe for us but toxic to birds. As if that weren’t enough, sharp utensils, full sinks, hot burners, and pots of hot food and liquid also pose serious threats to your cute pet. Play it safe, and keep your feathered buddy out of the kitchen.


Trees can be very dangerous for Polly! Tinsel, lights, ornaments and ornament hooks, and ribbons are hazardous to birds. Plus, real trees are often coated with things like fire retardant or pesticides, which are toxic to pets.. Glass ornaments are particularly dangerous, as they are so fragile. The needles can also cause injuries. Don’t leave Polly unattended near that pretty tree.


We love getting together with friends and family over the holidays. However, if your guests are bringing dogs, keep Polly safe and sound in her cage until they’ve gone.


Like many pets, birds are creatures of habit, and they can get quite stressed out by a lot of change and/or commotion. The schedule disruptions, noise, and temperature changes can all make your colorful little buddy quite uneasy. Keep Polly on her usual schedule as much as possible. If you’re hosting a party, cover her cage or move it to a quiet back room. Watch for signs of distress, such as feather pulling, reduced appetite, biting, or yelling.

Boarding Vs. Petsitting

Are you traveling for the holidays? If possible, arrange for a petsitter. Polly will be much more comfortable in her own environment. If you can’t find someone reliable to go to your home, ask your vet to recommend a good kennel.

Happy Holidays! Please contact us, your Langford, BC animal clinic, anytime. We’re here for you! 

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